Monday, October 29, 2007

The Skill

We are sitting on the futon, each of us doing our own work. Almost. Mainly. J seems to have picked up this ability to sense and clap to death any mosquito in the surrounding area. So while I try to research radio spectrum allotment, and she's ostensibly concentrating on natural resources there are these occasional loud bangs and sudden movements right on my peripheral vision.

I'm currently sensing an incoming jig and shimmy.

Perhaps we should be sittng in different chairs?

Yeah, I know. This is more fun.

*Dance, dance, dance.*

Aaaand back to the World Radio Conference.

**Ed. note, a few hours later:
J striding out to the living room after another loud *BANG*: You should have seen that mosquito in the bathroom. Prime kill!
*Momentary pause*
A: It's not a prime kill.
And another pause.
J: Where's that centipede we saw before?
A: You freak.

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