Friday, October 26, 2007

i hope i'm never bald

a and i are checking out potential haircuts. a conversation transpires:

j: when natalie portman shaved her head, i almost did it.
a: why would you do that?
j: i don't know, it looked cool.
a: you'd look awful!
j: how do you know?
a: because there are only three people in the world who can pull off bald and you aren't one of them.
j: if i get cancer someday won't you feel bad for saying that?
a: maybe, but i'd still think it. i just wouldn't make fun of you.
j: give me the computer.
j: types furiously. (types, to be accurate)
a: look, i just don't want some law firm to see this and think...
j: dude, it wasn't serious, was it?
a: no. i mean i'll never think you look good bald. nothing will ever change that.
j: oh, dude, that's going in.
a: (in a whisper) j, this is your conscience speaking...
j: no it's not, it's YOU speaking because you don't have a conscience because you said i would look bad if i was bald if i had cancer.
a: (in a whisper still) this is your conscience, trying again. put down the computer. this is still your conscience. you suck.

don't you wish you lived with us?

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