Friday, October 19, 2007

The Downside of Instant Communication...

is that you expect instant replies. When someone doesn't get back to you immediately after you've sent an email or left a phone message, there's either this fear that the message didn't get through ('can you hear me now? can you hear me NOW?') or this nagging sensation that maybe you've been pushed to the bottom of some sort of response 'To Do' pile. Which may in fact be the case. And you know what? An extra hour or day of waiting on something doesn't usually hurt anyone.

Then there are those like me that insist on keeping the cellphone off for a certain amount of time every month so that I can still pretend to have some control of just a few minutes of my day... for a week or two at a time. It's not ignoring you if I don't know you're calling, is my philosophy. Besides which, I do check the voicemail.

Anyway, what brings about this confession is J's current longing for a return to the days of the telegraph. When response time was normally minimally a few hours or days it wasn't that much easier to wait, I'll bet, but the lack of choice in the matter was probably much more calming.


P.S. Just another day in the life of We:

J: I feel like jumping out a window.
A: Don't.
J: But then there's that cool verb you can use...
A: Defenestrate.
J: From the Latin verb defenestra.
A: Dork.

It could have gone on for longer - I've hung around enough Latin geeks to start cracking jokes in poor form - but drastic and immediate action was needed. And taken.

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