Monday, October 29, 2007

the house at pooh corner, again

and this, following my most recent post:

j: i love pooh.
a: ah, pooh. OOOH! i'll call you pooh-lia!!!

i don't think i'd object...too much.

and i guess, while i have the chance, i might as well add the one that explains why these posts turn out the way they do.

"i don't see much sense in that," said rabbit.
"no," said pooh humbly, "there isn't. but there was going to be when i began it. it's just that something happened to it along the way."

and the one that is really rather me.

some people care too much, i think it's called love.

although i'm pretty sure that some people would tell you this one's more accurate.

when looking at your two paws, as soon as you have decided which of them is the right one, then you can be sure the other one is the left.

nothing makes me quite as happy as a little pooh.

1 comment:

Ben Darfler said...

I really should re-read them. The Tao of Pooh is good but not quite the same.