Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Bought Schug and Shoko

First off, Koshermart is basically how I imagine heaven. It's all kosher. It has gummie bears. There's all this Israeli-brand junk and spicing and cheesy Jew music. Maimonides had this whole theory about incorporeality and learning Torah once you ascend, but in view of the sheer high I got just from buying chocoloate spread today I'd say the facts are backing me up just a bit more.

On the stupid side of things, if you ever do go to Koshermart, don't do what we did (Metro, walk there, cab back, get stuck on the Metro, cab back from Dupont after dropping the glass dressing bottles, spend the remainder of the day vaguely stinking of ginger).

Make friends with someone who's mobilely upward. Use a damned car.

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