Sunday, February 3, 2008

How Do the Doctors Not Get Sick?

I spent much of the past 36 hours doing things with and for people heavily afficted with what is minimally the flu and maximally the plague. Now, I happen to be experiencing persistent muscle aches and a feeling of utter exhaustion.

So here's the question: are we now going to relapse into a flu on top of the fading pneumonia?

Stay tuned. This just keeps getting more exciting by the day.

P.S. A diagram of the past month looks something like this:

Flu --> Sinus infection --> Pnemonia (being treated by rest+2 massive IV treatments and 2 weeks of antibiotics)--> Flu(?)

I write it out because it amuses the somewhat twisted part of me. Oddly enough, it seems that my parents don't appreciate my sense of humor...

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