Saturday, March 15, 2008


I had possibly the spookiest experience of my adult life last night. It was laden with all sorts of stuff. I'm wondering if I should blog about it to get it out, but I don't think that people will understand what I'm talking about unless they're parents, and it's not something that I'm taking lightly. Shabbat was difficult because I was with people constantly but covering for how incredibly freaked out I was by this thing. Let's call it a vivid, persistent, waking vision.

While this site's supposed to be for more than the occasional link and wisecrack, I just don't know here...

Will decide soon.

In the meantime, if you haven't gotten my walrus email, you should let me know. Because it was damned good. And that is certainly something that people should see. Thanks to Ben for originally posting it on Facebook.

We're cat-sitting, by the way. Now that the mice are finally gone. Kitty Claudia is super cute, and that's coming from an avowed 'dog person.' I'm contemplating getting a cat when I finally settle down post-law school. A puppy would be better, but not compatible with firm life. Unless anyone has any ideas on how that might be handled?

Be well.

1 comment:

Ben Darfler said...

Well now you got me concerned/interested. I hope you're alright, find me online.